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Made the Game-changing Transition to Virtual Events? What about the ROI?

by Neha Mallik
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Companies across the globe are seeing a massive hit to their sales pipeline. With all events canceled or converted to digital – CES 2021 being the latest, most have started planning on creating a stunning virtual showcase with interactive content for CES already. 

But have you thought about the ROI? Do you have B2B meetings scheduled before, during,  and after the virtual event? Truth is, business gets done at customer meetings that advance the sales pipeline. 

It is imperative, therefore, that businesses take not just their events, but the B2B customer meetings to a digital format as well. Here are a few ways you can drive customer meetings at virtual events, engage audiences better, drive better conversations and conversions.

Exhibitors wish to schedule a lot of meetings with qualified external event (both in-person or virtual) attendees. However, expecting your prospects/customers to contact your sales team to book meetings might be too optimistic. Even event managers may not know which of the prospects and customers might be interested in meeting an expert or executive in your company at the event. 

The Jifflenow Inbound Meetings Request page makes it easy to run pre-event digital campaigns to promote inbound meeting requests from customers and prospects. 

Attendee experience and engagement is one of the most crucial elements for companies present at virtual events and the Inbound Meeting Request Tool is a great way to enable customers and prospects to directly request meetings with experts and executives in the most seamless manner. 

Empower Your Virtual Event Attendees to Request Meetings

Put the power to book meetings in the hands of your customers and prospects. The inbound meeting request form provides a flexible way to book meetings. The form provides an easy to capture meeting context, requested time slots, support for time zones, and video conferencing links to process the meeting request.

Embedded Inbound Meeting Request Tool as an iFrame

Inbound Meeting Request Tool can also be deployed as an iFrame (HTML form) embedded inside any web page or virtual event page. With this capability, requesters can submit the meeting request without leaving the online event, webinar, or browsing web pages. Marketing teams can embed individual Inbound Meeting Request tool for each engagement type within an event or program.

Option to provide URL links or embed the Inbound Meeting Request as an iFrame within the Virtual Event experience page. The meeting requests can be customized for different meeting types such as.  ‘Ask for a Demo’, ‘Meet an Expert’ or ‘Sign up for a session’. 

The link can be leveraged at several locations in a  virtual event environment, one such location, for example, is the lobby. Most customers and prospects are bound to spare some time, albeit virtually, in the lobby, thus inbound meetings can be generated if customers are presented with the best way to request meetings. By leveraging the Inbound Meeting Request Tool, you can also enable your customers to request meetings with your experts or executives, after the virtual event.

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Jifflenow is the world’s most comprehensive meeting automation platform, helping global enterprises accelerate business growth by automating the scheduling, management, and analysis of B2B in-person and virtual meetings. Jifflenow has transformed customer meeting management from an offline workflow to an automated, streamlined and online process with measurable results and actionable insights.

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