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Increase Event RoI with Jifflenow Meeting Automation Platform

The World’s #1 Meeting Automation Platform

Trusted by 60+ Fortune 1000 companies



Meetings booked

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Meeting Attendees

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Revenue Influenced

Easily Schedule, Manage, and Analyze B2B Meetings at Events

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Why do Meetings Matter at Events?

Meeting Automation Platform Advantage

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More Meetings at Events

Measure success with data-driven meeting metrics and insights


Reduction in Scheduling Efforts

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Meetings Attended

Customers Speak

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How Jifflenow delivered a stellar experience and solved the problem of the century

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How Jifflenow enabled a variety of customer engagements to influence pipeline and revenue


Jifflenow helped Event Marketer boost productivity and accurately measure and report ROI from events

Recommended Readings

Jifflenow whitepaper

Why Your Events Fail to

Drive Business

Spectacle is seductive, but a Meeting Automation Platform turns attendees into loyal customers…

Meeting automation platform

Better Customer

Journeys and Business Growth with Meeting Automation Platforms

Increase the number and quality...

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Why Your Event Directors Are Key to Sales Growth

Give your event teams the tools they need to make your event a business success…

Want to Learn More About Jifflenow?

What Customers Have to Say

About Jifflenow

“Can’t imagine going back to the way we used to schedule and manage meetings.”

Donna O., Event Manager, Adobe

“Jifflenow is without a doubt the best meeting scheduling platform I have worked with to date”

Libby W., Event Manager, Leading Tech Organization

“It revolutionized the way we handle meetings/meeting rooms at events”

Dagmar L., Sr. Events Manager